DNA Banking and Geneology

SecuriGene DNA Capsule

DNA Banking Service - Post Mortem

1 capsule $498

2 capsules$996

3 capsules$1494

4 capsules$1992

5 capsules$2490

6 capsules$2988

1 Individual (forensic)$848

Individual (forensic, trace quantity)$848

Top 5 Reasons to Preserve DNA

  1. Store DNA for Future Testing
  2. Banked DNA lasts indefinitely and can be accessed for testing at any time. A wide range of genetic tests are currently available for everything from ancestry testing to disease predisposition testing and more are yet to come.
  3. Document Hereditary Diseases in the Family
  4. 75% of all diseases can be traced back to our genetic makeup. Many of the genetic mutations that cause cancers and other hereditary diseases have been identified. Preserving your family’s DNA is an important step in tracing the root cause of hereditary diseases and paves the way for targeted treatments in the future.
  5. Create New Opportunities for Ancestry Testing
  6. Trace your ancestral roots using DNA. As more markers are identified, DNA ancestry testing will become much more powerful than it is today. DNA banking is a great way to keep a record of your family’s DNA, opening new doors in this exciting field and creating opportunities that were never available before.
  7. Prevent DNA Degradation
  8. Without proper purification and preservation techniques, enzymes and contaminants will eventually break down the DNA in any sample. DNA preservation ensures the long-term viability of a sample for future testing purposes.
  9. Open Doors for Personalized Medicine
  10. Studying your family’s DNA may assist doctors in determining which treatment plans will work best for you, and which ones will be ineffective. This technology is already being used to determine the tolerance, optimal dosage level and effectivity of drugs used in heart disease and cancer patients.

Genealogy Research

We receive numerous calls and inquiries from families completing Genealogy Research to complete their family trees. We are happy to assist you! Many of the older records are kept in paper ledgers that are according to date of death with all the funeral homes and other organizations. If you would like to submit a Genealogy request, please contact us with the following information

Genealogy Research

Genealogy Research Form

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